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Old 02-28-2011, 08:39 PM   #6
Yorkie Yakker
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Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA
Posts: 48
Default Veruca is having surgery

I took Veruca back to the vet today because she vomited bile again this morning and they x-rayed her. It turns out that 1 of 3 pieces of flip flop she ate 3 weeks ago has not passed through her and is partially obstructing her GI tract (in the stomach). So they're keeping her overnight on fluids and tomorrow she is having surgery to remove the flip flop. I am a nervous wreck and super distraught since Veruca is scared of the vet and shakes when I bring her to the office.

The surgeon is calling me in the morning, are there any specific questions that I should ask him? I am a dog surgery novice (other than her spay). Thanks for any advice.
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