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Old 02-10-2011, 07:54 PM   #29
BabyGirl Rosie
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Originally Posted by Micah my love View Post
Years ago when i was in my 20's for Christmas my MIL gave me a toilet brush from ( stanley products) while she gave my dh & boys shirts

that has to be worse gift ever to give to a young lady

OMG! I would have been mad too!! Ha ha. I think that was a pretty bad gift. The worst gift ever was on my birthday this year. I spent it alone. My husband and my sons went with my parents to our other property. Everyone forgot my birthday. I didn't get presents, taken out to dinner, nothing. I still get upset about it. My son promises this year I will have the best birthday ever! So, we will see!!

On a lighter note, my husband is usually good about my gifts. He brought me home flowers today.
Momma to three sweet Yorkie girls Rosie Marie, Mikki Leigh , and Lily Mae Grace!
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