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Old 01-03-2011, 08:27 PM   #19
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I know that you have tried Imitrex, but have you also tried it in the shot form? I had to start going to a specialist a few years ago for my migraines and this is what takes the edge off for me. I was getting migraines 3-4 times a week and they lasted 2 days each. I hate that you are going through this because this type of pain does alter your life. Mine started getting better when I did research on a natural way to help. I started taking Omega 3 with fish oil pills (I take a specific one and amount from GNC). I don't know why, but other brands don't work for me. It did take a couple of months before I noticed a difference, but it was like night and day for me. I went from living with chronic pain to having 2-4 migraines a month. I still struggle with them but it is so much better. When mine do get really bad, the Imitrex (shot) does help.

I hope you can find something that works for you. Also, I can email you the links that Geoff has found. He researched different pressure points so when I feel one coming on, he uses these techniques on me ("acupressure"/"reflexology"). It has (one time) taken away the pain completely, but for the most part, these just truly relax me to the point of getting some relief from the pain. It doesn't go away but it does while he's doing this...which is a nice break.

Also, have you had any MRIs preformed....just to be on the safe side?? This was the first thing that my doctor did just to rule out other reasons. Also, things that never really crossed my mind as being triggers, but have proven to be with me are needing a certain pillow, getting more sleep, tracking what I am eating/drinking. There are so many triggers. If you can start to pinpoint what yours are, this will also least it has for me.
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