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Old 12-23-2010, 02:59 PM   #6
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HI Tiffany,

It's morning and we have been driving through that night headed west. Since the weather is so nice we have made great timing and are currently just passing through Omaha, NE! I still haven't seen a Western Union office but hope to find one somewhere along the way today. Could you please give me an exact address so that I could put it into my GPS? Megan is so excited and is using her Christmas money to help pay for the puppies. I told her that she didn't need to do that but she is insisting she would like to help. She is so responsible being a teenager. I am thinking we will be there sometime tomorrow.


From: Tiffany >
To: Jodi
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 9:38:25 AM
Subject: Re: puppies

Well i thank God that you are traveling safely ok.well you have
just passed through Omaha??? well that is great ok.Well i cannot give
you my exact home address if i don,t know how serious you are on this
issue ok.but then i will give you my street address but not my exact
home address ok .when i am finally convinced that you can put your
trust on me and send the money ok.I already called for an appointment
with the documentation office and i have been booked in about 2hours
time and i won,t like to fail the appointment because i won,t have the
opportunity of another meeting again so easily since they are many
other people who are doing the Transfer of pet ownership during this
month ok.So that is why i really want the money to be sent because i
would have to use the money to pay for the flight ok
1211 N. Main Street that is my street address and i will be giving you
my home address later.

HI Tiffany,

What is a documentation office? I've never heard of that before could you please explain. Tiffany, I don't know how you could possibly not think that I am serious about picking up my puppies if I am driving for 2 days across the county with my teenage daughter. I would never disappoint Megan she is such a sweet girl and is so very VERY excited. I just thought of something that I forgot in all of my excitement. My friend lives in South Cali and could run over to your house to drop off the money in about 20 minutes! That way you don't even have to leave to go to Western Union to pick up the funds for payment of those much needed documents from the document office. This is going to work out GREAT! She will be there in 20 minutes! Oh Megan just kissed her new puppie Lena's pictures she is so happy! This is going to be the best Christmas EVER!


From: Tiffany
To: Jodi
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:27:23 AM
Subject: Re: puppies

to be very frank i am begining to think that you are not very
serious with this issue ok.Because i have given you instructions on
how to get these babies into your arms and you keep on twisting the
instruction every time i do that??Listen if you think you cannot
follow the instructions then let me know so i can get these babies
another home ok i don,t see why you won,t like to follow everything i
say ok.Listen this is for the best and for us all and so if you really
like to get these babies into your arms then do as i say and stop
twisting the instructions here and there ok.As for the documentation
it is where i will have to process the transfer of ownership documents
into your names ok.So let me know if you are honest enough and trust
worthy ok


My friend is on Main St. looking for your house right now and can't seem to find you. She's knocked on a few doors and they all say that they have never heard of anyone names Tiffany Dimas. So I took the liberty of searching for your friend Maritza Santamaria to see if I could find your address. The only Maritiza Santamaria that I can find is someone in Cameroon. I am sitting here in shock and my daughter is in tear thinking that you are not telling us what really is going on with our puppies. Are you trying to scam us? My friend just flagged down a police officer that was driving by and he also is telling her that we are being taken for a ride and that we should turn around and go back home. Megan is in tears and I hope that what Officer Columbus is telling her is just wrong. It's Christmas and I can't imagine that someone would have this type of evil in their heart to destroy the holiday for a family. Please tell me that this is all a very bad mistake.


From: Tiffany
To: Jodi
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 12:18:07 PM
Subject: Re: puppies

Listen to me. i have said that you should give me the full trust and
all the confidence if you really need these babies ok. If you say you
have given me the trust then i don,t see why you should be saying
these ok. look i also have kids and i don,t want to be playing around
with the felling of Morgan because i would not want anybody to play
around with the feelings of my children ok. feelings are very delicate
things which should not be tampered with ok .Son if you can give me
your trust then get back and let me know. Where is Cameroon? Is that a
state here in the US. i really can,t understand these please explain
that to me ok

I really do not like your tone in your last email message. I have several friends that breed and they have never heard of an adoption registry office in CA or for that fact anywhere else. They told me that there is paperwork that is submitted to the AKC to register a puppy and it need not be done prior to a sale. I think at this point Megan and I will be turning around and going home. My friend spent 3 hours in your neighborhood and never found your house. This is the Christmas season and I would have thought that people would have more love in their hearts toward others. It seems that I have allowed you to ruin my daughter trust in people.

BTW~ I have been scamming you just like you have scammed me for the past 3 days. I knew that you were a scammer when I saw you post on to someone looking for a puppy. I know your Yorkietalk user name and you have been reported and I am planning on exposing you to the entire community of 65,000 people for what you are~a horrible deceitful human being! You suck!

“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” Mark Twain
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