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Old 12-20-2010, 06:49 AM   #71
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Originally Posted by FlDebra View Post
You are writing in a most unprofessional manner, especially for someone who is dealing with the public and trying to address a negative review. If you really deny what this potential customer wrote describing her experience with you (go back to first post) then write calmly, rationally, and truthfully with details about the exact situations she outlines in her post. Save all of your bragging about being the best at everything and give facts and details.

You are also putting out erroneous information! You wrote: "So back to USDA....did you know that if you sell even one puppy you must be inspected and lic by the USDA." This may be true for you, but this is not true for breeders unless they are running a wholesale business, brokering for someone else, or selling to pet shops/dealers/research, etc. If a breeder has 3 or less breeding females, she is exempt completely from USDA licensing or inspections. If a breeder is selling strictly to the pet owners and not going into any of these wholesale/commercial resell situations, they are not required to be licensed with USDA even with more than 3 breeding females.

Just being licensed with the USDA tells me the breeder is not the breeder I want. I look for breeders that refuse to sell to pet stores, brokers, or dealers. I only buy from breeders who sell direct to a potential puppy owner who they have thoroughly screened. I want a breeder who breeds only as many dogs as they can adequately care for. I want them home raised, not caged in some outbuilding with minimal human contact. I want to see that they are clean, well-groomed and well cared for. These breeders need no USDA licenses and are definately not doing anything shady! There is a lot more to the law, you might want to read it. BTW do you have a Class A or B? Here is a rundown that might help you get started with understanding the licensing requirements:

I am still mulling over your last comment, "My finer customers are much more refiner and reasonable.....just a matter of class I guess." "Much more refiner?" Really? I guess it is a matter of class, but I don't think the way you mean it. I never would imagine trying to say richer clients were somehow better than others, if that is what you are getting at. But then I did not change the price of my pups by whim and give a different price to different customers. They all got a fair deal -- same price for everyone. Price was not the main topic -- how they would care for the pup was.
I also thought it was interesting that she states the "couple" she is talking about was "well to do"...why should that fact matter? I'm just saying.

Also getting tired of the HUGE cut-and-paste of how many animals she "saved" in each reply she and her cronies post. Beating a dead horse and has nothing to do with the original post, which as many have pointed out, was just a nice person who wanted to make sure she was doing the right thing. More than I can say from what I have read about this breeder and the postings of her and her cronies. Just my 2 cents, but I am sure that I will now get nasty and threatening PMs from them, too. ; )
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