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Old 12-19-2010, 09:26 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Britster View Post
I do think we're simply more aware nowadays too. Back when I was growing up... nobody was on dog forums and communicating about their dogs as much as alot of people do today, so we know alot more.

I mean... when our childhood Golden Retriever would start puking, we wouldn't really worry about it and go searching online looking for reasons why. She just did it, and would get better. She got sickly by the age of 7 or 8 and began getting bumps and tumors all over her, so we just took her to the vet, and they did what they did and fixed her up until she got sick again, and eventually died at age 10. She was fed crappy food all her life and I can't help but wonder if had she been on a better diet w/ more exercise, would she have been healthier, or was it just genetics? Back then, 10yrs old was the normal lifespan for a Golden. We didn't know anything about proper training, dog health, or do any of our own research. We just took her to the vet when necessary and that was that.

When you come to a website such as YT, you get alot of newbies who were googling problems with their Yorkies... so it ends up looking like there is a ton of sick Yorkies, but most people don't just google "my dog is feeling good, yorkie forum" LOL... if you get what I'm saying.
I too agree! Good points. I think the internet itself is more popular; this site, in particular, is a lot more popular and better publicized through word of mouth; dog owners are becoming much more health conscious than in years before; and most of all there are just a lot more yorkies out there than in past years.

Since I have only read a few about shaking, i think it is also a bit of a coincidence that they might have happened close to each other. As far as hypoglycemia -- I think that is an ongoing problem that happens quite often with toy breeds. I doubt it happens more now than in years past EXCEPT for the fact there are a lot more yorkies being sold these days than say a decade ago. So, that does put a lot more inexperienced yorkie owners online.
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