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Old 12-16-2010, 04:01 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by FlDebra View Post
I think I have learned a little more of what the undercurrent here is all about today. There are a few exhibitor/breeders that generously share their knowlege and experience with those thirsty for it. These same very knowledable exhibitor/breeders are also against commercial and frivolous breeding that does not put the good of the breed above personal greed. That puts them at direct odds with many breeders that try to keep their actual practices a little low key. They don't make a point of publicizing that they do not pre-test, that they breed tiny females, that they cross-breed, use non-AKC registries, don't worry about genetics or standards, don't stand behind their dogs when they come up with genetic conditions, some don't even stop breeding dogs that are throwing problem pups, and the list could go on and on...... These breeders have enjoyed doing business their way. They can even look like "bonafide" breeders with such "cute" puppies. The only thing that stands in their way is PUBLIC EDUCATION! That's right -- tell enough potential puppy buyers what to look for and what to watch out for and you are bound to cut into their business! Let enough YT members know that some are NOT doing things right and their reputations may tarnish. How to stop this? I guess some think attacking the educational sources might do enough harm to enable them to continue operating as usual. So attack they do, and the feud begins.......then others jump on the band wagon to support their friend, family member, or just another YT acquaintenance. I am not saying anything specific about anyone posting here today. Because the actual undercurrent is bigger than that -- it is not one person. It is not one thread -- it is one ISSUE -- the fight against substandard breeding.

This is not new, it has been at a slow boil, brewing quietly just under the surface here at YT and throughout the dog world. Luckily it is not enough to tampen down the spirit of this site. It is not enough to diminish the profound affect these experienced exhibitor/breeders have had on so many of us! They have spent so much of their time answering questions, explaining things in simplicity so that we may learn. Luckily it does not take a rocket scientist to distinguish between those that come here to help, build, and instill the right values and breeding practices against those that are just trying to keep the dirty little secrets of unscrupulous breeders quiet and the potential buyers unaware.

There may be little flare ups from time to time, but this site continues to be a teaching platform for many. I KNOW it makes the yorkie breeding world better and educates the yorkie pet owners daily! I learned so much and realized how much more there is to learn. The great part about that though is I also know where to continue learning. I'll continue right here on YT! I feel fortunate to have such a valuable resource available! I know of no other place where I can learn so much about every facet of Yorkshire Terriers! In a matter of minutes I can get expert opinions from across the nation, from around the world. I can have questions answered, plans refined, and follow-through reviewed from some of the top breeders of Yorkshire Terriers. I love this place!

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Mark Twain
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