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Old 12-07-2010, 04:11 AM   #82
YT 1000 Club Member
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Default Vetting Update

Hi Everyone:

Just wanted to send an update on the pups...they are all doing well and so sweet....

The youngest male, 1 1/2 years old had a neuter and dental yesterday.The poor guy lost 21 teeth. Blood work was normal. The older male had his one remaining tooth pulled and a neuter. He is missing some bone in his jaw, blood work was normal.

All the females went in for exams and will be spayed, if needed. According to the vet all of the females have had c-sections, some mulitply, and two may even be spayed but we are not certain about this. Two of them need to go an eye specialist one for a cataract and the other there is something going on with the eye, could be a corneal scratch. One female has what we think is a hernia, however the vet could not push it back in so we will know more once she is spayed.

The females all had blood work done which was sent out (as it saves us some money) and we will get those results in the next couple days. All of them had heart worm tests too. They alsoall have ear mites (which we knew) and are on medicine for that...

Yesterday's vet bill came to $636.00 and we have not done any spays or dentals on the females yet... nor have they seen the eye specialist. However, they are all worth it.

Once I have more information I will post it.

Thank you everyone for your support.
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