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Old 11-28-2010, 10:46 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by FlDebra View Post
Wow -- really? Just because she wrote that someone else's posts made her not want to do something, it made you MAD? You must have a time of it on here then, with all of the things that get posted over the course of a day or two.
As I tried to tell concrete girl (who has been a member since 8/09 -- not really a newbie!) -- it wasn't that she was making suggestions, it was that she just kept coming back at her time after time (4 times). That sort of goes a little beyond normal friendly suggestions. I know they tell used car salesmen to take 7 no's but that doesn't work on a Yorkie forum.
Then there was the part about framing "papers" for a schorkie? (If a mixed breed is registered, then it is from a non-AKC registry which is not worth the paper it is written on. Registries that register mixed breeds are for profit and that is the root of their existance, plus they were started by puppymills and breeders that had been ousted from AKC. If I had a non-AKC registered dog, then I would not send in for the papers at all as I would think it much worse to contribute money to them than to be without the papers.) That can make some not want to continue a discussion right there.

I think she was nice about it, she only said the other person's posts were making her not want to do it. That is nothing to get mad about for anyone.

Now it would be good to get back to the subject the OP has tried to discuss.
1. This is my last post to FlDebra & DvlshAngel985 in any regard I'm not here for off topic drama. I'm here for the positive sharing of information.
2. My SchNorkie isn't AKC registered(that's crazy!)-some registries are being created in Canada for "designer breeds"(showing the parents are purebred-but I'm not really into it just putting it out there for people's information). Scoob my Schnorkie, he's a rescue from a puppy mill dumping...his DNA papers are actually in a frame with his adoption papers, the pics of me picking him up as a puppy-my Miniature Schnauzer's papers (AKC) are framed in the pic of her with the breeding kennel and the pics of both her parents and their full AKC names etc (it's so cute)...I also have papers for my (AKC) dogs seem to read a lot of my posts that aren't there.
3. I posted to her twice, I never 'kept coming back at her',(as you do me) I actually took the time to apologized to her after your post that I was bullying her and again after she commented that reading all my posts made her not want to register her dogs(which was just rude). I said I was sorry she took it the way she did (thinking I meant she couldn't afford it or whatever) and clarified how I meant my comment in which I quoted her and made a suggestion...
4. You, on the other hand, have actually posted directly to me on 4 different forums several times in each one pretty much just disagreeing with whatever I said-I'm not here to deal with arguing or conflict if you don't like what I say then that's your prerogative. Please quit attacking my posts, I'm not asking you to like me or agree with me, but the forums aren't for contradicting each other or other nonsense.
5.This forum is about registering dogs not your opinion of me, as with the training forum, and the dog rules forum and the other one you feel the need to reply to my posts on...let's all just get along and post relevant comments about the topic of the forum. Please stop posting about my comments going back and forth off the topic it's getting silly now.
6. Hope you have a happy holidays season, and we can all talk about the actual topics...oh I am "kinda" a new member I have been a member a short while but I haven't posted much until recently...hopefully this will be the last of any non-relevant or unfriendly communications
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