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Old 09-18-2010, 05:31 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by Blue Sake View Post
That's terrible! Did you send the flyers to the vet and groomers? On the forum, someone posted about Chihuahua being stolen & I saw the pictures of people trying to find the Chihuahua & they did the helium balloon attached with the info. I thought it was a brilliant idea.

Praying that you will find your babies again soon! A groomer's Yorkie was stolen from the motel & she did not take it very well. She was having such difficult time grooming dogs & she no longer could groom her clients anymore. I don't know if she is on YT. Poor babies and their owners. Why are people so evil?
Why do Yorkies have to be expensive? I think breeds that are very expensive are at high risk of being stolen even I know many purebred & mixed dogs are stolen. My Dachshund was stolen & it hurts so much not knowing where she is & if she's alive or not. It's been two years & it still hurts. :'(
So, they put the information on the balloon and it travels. There is one I haven't tried yet and we have a huge helium tank in our garage so I think I'm going to try it. I can print one of the flyers and let it go. I'll pray before releasing and hope it finds it's way....oh, did they find the Chihuahua?

Yep, I made up several different flyers and sent them all over. I also had a company do it just in case I missed something. I made calls and talked to so many people. Responded to Craigslist ads. Can you believe a gentleman called me from Arizona because he found a Pom with New Bedford tags and he didn't know what to do being in Arizona. He must have gotten my name and number from a web-site or ad or something. Nice guy, actually deals with fostering dogs. Another woman called yesterday who found a male (in tact, so it wasn't Jonah) but she fosters too. Isn't it interesting how these dogs just happen to get picked up by fosters.

I'm so very sorry about your Dachshund. My daughter and I try to imagine the dogs on an island having a great time (she's 7years old). It's a lot easier than when she's crying. It's just so hard to find them isn't it!?
I'm hoping God helps me be the person my dogs think I am....
Rebecca , Jonah & Ksena
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