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Old 08-22-2010, 05:43 PM   #35
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Natasha, I agree with Lisaly, she could not have explained the feelings we have for our animals. Am greatful for Gemy to start this thread. You are already on the way toward healing just by opening up about this. There will always be moments when you will think about your little buddy... You know I've had animals all my life and I always wanted a Yorkie since I was 8 years old, and now at 47 I finally received her as a gift. I have always departed with our beloved animals because for the most part we outlive them, and they always had good fulfilling lives, they were loved and taken care of....that being said I have said to my husband "I'm not looking forward to the day she is no longer with us." Only because my husband loves shelties (we found one as a stray, she was dirty, skinny with a broken rope around her neck we didn't know what she was she just desperately needed a home) when the vet told us she was a breed of dog my husband just fell in love with their loyalty, their easy medium size, etc. so we've had 3 shelties in 27 years, cat, birds, etc. I guess what I'm trying to say is I have a very strong bond with Piper. Of course I love every furry creature there is, but Piper is my baby, and I don't think what your feeling is unusual at all. It seems you never gave yourself closure or mourned your baby completely. Everything takes time, and I know you get such a charge out of Poppy, along with the problems you had with her breeder may have made you feel more "tweeked", but I know you are an amazing mom to her with the way you made sure she was eating, pooping LOL!!I know I have a real tight bond with Piper, but life is full of positive things to look forward to, sooooo give your baby lots of kisses, and its o.k. to always have your little boy in your heart, you have to grieve, have closure, then it will be easier. Poppy will have her own personality, she will give you so much love. cherish her. Hope we are helping you.
P.S. don't even try to talk to people who are not animal people, it's like talking to a brick wall!
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