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Old 07-21-2010, 08:41 PM   #204
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by Ellie May View Post
Not all dogs like raw. So does that mean the ones who don't like raw are just oddballs who don't know what's good for them?

I'm getting more confused. I'm just saying that nobody has proven to me that this is a healthier and safer diet and kibble will be number one until somebody can. Before I feed something, I want to be reasonable confident that it won't do more harm than good. I am not yet convinced that raw meet that criteria for me. Also, I do think AAFCO is a minimal requirement and each dog should be monitored by their owner. I also think that reviews on the internet about things going wrong with certain brands of kibble (i.e. Nutro) should not be overlooked.

And while I definitely don't prefer kibble, there are many dogs doing fantastic on rx diets. I know a lot of people on YT say they would never feed this kind of garbage (and I probably have said it before too), but when you are in a spot where your dog is sick and everything else has been tried, I'm sure minds would change.
I think a lot of people give up on raw after trying it and/if their dogs don't take an immediate liking to it or they notice cleansing/detoxification symptoms which may scare them. They expect their dogs to "love" it immediately and gobble it down - sometimes dogs do well transitioning cold turkey and sometimes they don't and need to be transitioned gradually. When one's dog doesn't take an immediate liking to raw people think their dogs just "don't like" raw. The problem is that transitioning to raw is a big change for a dog that's been on commercial food or home-cooked. There are a lot of people that don't transition correctly and then give up on raw because they think it's not working when in fact they probably transitioned the wrong way for their dog and/or didn't give it enough time.

IMO nobody has proved that kibble or homecooked is better than raw...The research and studies that exists (mostly for commercial food and/or homecooked) is pretty scary IMO. I'd take a million years and evolutionary science that shows dogs have thrived and been brought up on raw diets just fine over diets that are showing to have more issues and problems as every day goes by. The fact is that I think raw is scary for this current generation of people who really now nothing but commercial pet food and until more studies are done on raw to ease people's minds there will continue to be doubts about raw, but there will also be people who will continue to feed raw and whose dogs will thrive as many raw fed dogs are currently.
~Melissa~ & ~Zoey~

Last edited by Melcakes; 07-21-2010 at 08:45 PM.
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