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Old 07-18-2010, 05:44 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Roccosmommy View Post
I'm sorry you're going through this, but something is just not making sense. In your original post, you mention meeting a "lady" and telling her about yourself. Then you say you've met her before. You get all kinds of very sound advice from experienced owners, including a very prestigious breeder (Mardelin) and you don't seem to acknowledge it. Instead you're beating yourself up thinking you are responsible for this breeder's rude behavior. Please don't make excuses for her, even as badly as you may want a puppy. Her husband made excuses because he's trying to save a 'sale'. There are others out there from very reputable breeders. If you can't afford to pay a higher price, just wait until you've saved more money. If not, you may well pay dearly in the long run.
I've had surgery on my back before too. I couldn't walk for weeks, and the dr took the one thing away from me that has always been a great stress reliever, my car. I didn't take my pain meds either because they made me slow, dizzy, and I was just so "high" I didn't know what I was doing. I knew all this before hand, and if I was a breeder, there is no way in he** that I would plan a surgery during a time I should be actively screening people as potential homes.

OP this is not about you. I feel as though you've already fallen in love with this puppy, but this breeder is raising many eyebrows with the way she conducts "business." To me it seems as though everyone, including the husband and your friend Beth are covering for the bitchy breeder so as not to lose a sale. I just wanted to point out that puppies from puppy mills are also registered with the AKC. AKC means nothing if the breeder behind the breeding isn't reputable.
As far as price goes, not all breeders are out there just to rip you off. It might take some time but you will find a puppy for less than $3k. If you research, you will find a great breeder, you will feel good about where your baby is coming from, and you will have the best support network if, god forbid, anything were to happen to your puppy.

My heart goes out to you because you're such a kind soul. My friend is a super sensitive person, and she got a dog without even seeing her. Now, whenever her baby is sick, she has no one to turn to other than her vet and YT. A good breeder to back you up is so important since they know what they are doing and they can give you solid advice.
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Last edited by DvlshAngel985; 07-18-2010 at 05:48 PM.
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