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Old 07-09-2010, 04:39 PM   #24
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Location: Levering, MI, USA
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Thank you so much for posting this! Along with everyone who has posted here, i don't think you were a bad mom at all! In fact, your posting this has shown me what I SHOULD do if my dog is suffering from heat stroke. I would however like to post a few tips that I've learned over the years dealing with dogs in hot weather.
1) Take your dog for his/her walk in the shade. The trails where I walk my dogs are through a heavily wooded area, and the ground is MUCH cooler because the trees form a canopy over the trail. The same is true for a sidewalk with lots of tall trees. Then your dog can get exercise and still stay cool.
2) If you HAVE to leave your dog in the car, even for a few minutes, leave the windows cracked for a breeze, leave plenty of water, and I found a small battery powered air conditioner that actually keeps the backseat pretty comfortable. They sell them at Target and they are only about $60! Since it runs on batteries you don't have to worry about leaving your vehicle running or draining your battery.
3) Try to have a spot in your house that is cool for the dogs to lay down. This last week it has been in the 90's and boo has spent a lot of time laying on the tile in the bathroom. Not only are the shades closed to block the sun, but the smooth tile doesn't hold on to heat like the carpet does. If you only have carpet, even a little vinyl placemat from the dollar store will be a refreshing spot for your little dog.
4) if it's hot outside, but there is a breeze, you might try taking your dog out to lay in the shade for some fresh air. My dogs love going outside and laying on the cool grass under the tree in the backyard, especially when it's humid out and the air inside is so stifling.
5) When it's really hot out people like to eat ice cream right...well, try making your yorkie a chicken popcicle. I take some organic, no salt added chicken stock and put it in an ice cube tray. Boo LOVES it! and it helps cool him down.

These are a few of the things I do to try and keep my dogs comfy when it's hot out. Does anyone else have any suggestions? Maybe we can share them and keep all of our babies cool this summer!
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