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Old 05-30-2010, 09:35 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by kalina82 View Post
Cystocentesis is done for a few reasons but we'll stick with just urinalysis'. If a UTI is suspected, a urinalysis and culture and sensitivity should be done. The C/S is best done from a sterile sample and the culture should be taken from a fresh, non-refrigerated sample. SO the only way to do this is by cysto.

Free catch samples do contain a lot more bacteria, not only from the non-sterile container/pee pad/floor/whatever it is collected from, but from the lower urinary tract system. the urine that goes thru the urethra and out of the penis/vagina is not an accurate representation of what is in the bladder.

When a cysto is done and a culture is taken any bacteria found on the petri dish is significant. everything used to take the sample was sterile therefore there was no contamination (unless there is a human error which is possible). sterile syringe with sterile needle -> sterile prep site ->sterile sample -> sterile culture swab -> sterile petri dish.

When a free catch is done there will be bacteria in it, and there could be multiple kinds of bacteria. its hard to say what bacteria came from within the bladder and how much of it was in the bladder if any.

Also, urine samples that are taken at home by free-catch and refrigerated can change by the time they get to the vet. refrigeration can cause glucose levels to drop, crystals to dissolve, clarity changes, and cell disintegration.
so you are telling me the vets do not refridgerate the urine after cysto prior to sending to antech or idexx? Why would an internal medicine specialist say to refridgerate urine and that is how they keep it until it is sent out to the lab? I have done urinalysis and culture - two as a matter of fact over the course of two months just recently. No issues on either and was told the sample was excellent. I am not buying it sorry and if infection there is alot of bacteria so a little contamination is not going to make much of a difference if there is an infection and if there is a little bacteria then most likely no infection.

I guess you can be the purists and i will stick to my approach as has worked for 6 years for us and only one uti in 6 years when dd was a pup so i guess we are doing ok but i always appreciate hearing both sides in an intelligent non attacking way so thanks Crystal and Kellie for doing so.
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