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Old 04-29-2010, 10:05 PM   #112
Woogie Man
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I just went back and read the posts going back to last November. It's heartbreaking to think of Roriee in so much pain and I truly hope for a great outcome for her.

It is obvious that Randi loves Roriee very much. She has been through so much with this and has been tugged in many directions over Roriee's care. It did seem like she was doing much better for quite some time. Randi posted a thread in January with an update on Roriee and got 0 replies.

I know nothing about AAI, except what I've read here on this forum. It does seem like there are several treatments, some more conservative than others. I can understand why she followed a conservative treatment as Roriee was getting better until this relapse.

That being said, it's obvious that more needs to be done for Roriee now. I see where Randi has agreed to surrender Roriee in order for her to get treatment, but there may be complications with that.

This is such a troubling situation. Randi, since you have an offer of help in Michigan, could you not drive her there yourself? Perhaps have someone to drive and you can keep Roriee comfortable and make sure she doesn't get excited? It's a shame that help for her is so far away but, if that's your only option, you should take it IMO.

Both Roriee and you will be in my prayers. I wish for nothing but the best for her and hope to see an update with some positive news.
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