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Old 04-16-2010, 07:40 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by yorkiepuppie View Post
thank you for helping me look for the information. i haven't been able to find too much info. on this. i would like to know more and understand.

thank you for protecting me from unintentional things that were said that might be hurtful. i just can't handle that right now. i don't know how i can ever forgive myself if i could have done something to prevent this from happening.

i kept asking the vet if this was something that i've done to cause. he just keeps telling me that there was no way we could have known until this happened... (this meaning davinci's death)

perhaps i should have gotten the x-ray when we saw the vet on tuesday. but i had no idea at all how serious a neck pain was, and was concerned about putting his life in danger by sedating him since the vet told me he thinks it was a strained muscle, but the vet did tell me he didn't know what was wrong with davinci. i don't think the vet knew how serious it was either. he told me we can always wait till thursday to get an x-ray if davinci was not better by then.

it is very hard without davinci, i miss him very much and i wish i knew more than i did and made better choices for him. i had no idea, davinci was playing everyday since he first showed signs of problems on sunday up until wednesday morning when he passed away, and right now that is my only comfort, knowing that he wasn't suffering the whole time when i did nothing helpful to get him better.

the morning he passed away, he could not move, and i didn't want him to move at all, but he wagged his tail every time i was near. i wish i didn't have to crate him, i wish i had him in my arms that whole time.
Oh, sweetie. My heart is breaking for you. Sometime, there just isn't any way for us to know how bad things are with our pups - they can't tell us what's wrong. You loved him, protected him and did what you felt was best for him. He knew that!! And he loved you, too. You made his life happy. Thank you for that. {hugs}
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion. -- Author Unknown
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