Thread: Some nerve!
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Old 04-15-2010, 05:37 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by LuvMyPuppE View Post
i was appalled reading the thread about the price of a "morkie."

there were so many posts about how you shouldn't pay that much for a "mutt" and how there are SO many dogs in rescues (that was the main one saw over and over).

are you SERIOUS? how are you going to tell someone they should get a dog from a rescue or a shelter when you obviously bypassed those places and paid a pretty penny for your dog!

i'm sorry, but if you love a dog - you love it - "mutt" or not! should someone pay a zillion times the price for a "mutt"? probably not - but when you want to start preaching about all the poor animals in need of homes - stop and think about where YOU got YOUR animal.

Every one of my "animals" were rescues and I can tell you that if you met them in the streets you would not know it.

People use the word "mutt" because these pups are NOT designers ... they are simply mixed breed pups that lazy people breed. Yes, I said lazy! People who breed these pups and charge high prices are making money off of them!! This is not a love of the "breed" or the is greed, pure and simple. Sorry if that steps on anyone's toes. The word "mutt" is used to inform and may sound unkind, but anyone saying it is not trying to say those pups are awful. It is just that the breeding is wrong..there is NO genetic testing being done...nothing. Just putting two breeds together for a buck.

And...YES, it is a problem with the pet population; just as the mills and byb's who are selling poorly bred purebreds...doing no genetic testing..nothing. Just pumping out pups for a buck. There are tons of mixed breed pups in shelters...just go pick one out and call it whatever you want...guess the breeds and come up with a name. Guaranteed to be a great pup and a heck of a lot cheaper than the ones the greeders are breeding.

No one is against responsible breeding. The key word: responsible. I don't know how anyone can call these people who are doing this "responsible".
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