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Old 02-17-2010, 10:25 AM   #33
Mardelin Yorkshire Terriers
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Default PETA (post # 3)

As I said, PETA has close ties with many other organizations. One of those orginzations is the Humane Society of the Unitited States (HSUS). People donate millions to the HSUS each year, thinking that their money is going to save the lives of millions of animals. Nothing could be further from the truth. The HSUS does not own a single animal shelter anywhere in the country. Although, many shelters have the words Humane Society in their names, they are not associated in any way with the HSUS. The HSUS does not sponsor any spay or nueter clinic anywhere in the country. They do donate a very small percent of the annual budget to a few local humane societies, around $2 million annually, which just happens to be less than the amount that they spend in travel ewach year. Their major money is sent on fund raising and legislative activity. In 2005 they spent $28 million in for public mailings, $6 million in vegan educatio, $10 million in legislative campaigns and litigation. Their income for that year was close to $125 million.

The HSUS was founded in 1954 as an animal welfare organization. But in the early 1980's, just about the same time as PETA was founded, they began to change to an animal rights organization. In the 19990's the personnel began to change to better fit with their new purpose, and today many of the personnel at HSUS have ties to PETA, including the current President, Wayne Pacelle.

This is an interested quote from Wayne Pacelle: "we have no ehtical obligation to perserve the different breeds of livestock produced through selective breeding.....One generation and out. We have no problems with the extinction of domestic animals. They are creations of human selective breeding." - Animal People News (May 1, 1993) (3) When you combine other statements that he has made, with the above statement, in my opinion the meaning of this statement is that if we could spay and nueter all animals, we could eliminate pet ownership within one geration. "one generation and out" would mean to me that they are gone and are eliminated in only one generation.

Quietly sitting back and maybe not being aware, we are now allowing the HSUS to make presentations at our local schools, with the definaite purpose to educate our children about how bad pet ownership is, to indoctrinate children to the thought tat animals should be free and not kept as pets. They are doing this in the same way they have infiltrated city councils and local governments all across the country, quietly and matter-of-factly.

"Shortly after taking office, Pacelle announced a merger with the Fund For Animals which have assets of over $20 million, and the Doris Day Animal League. The combined group estimated its 2005 budget at "over $95 million" and also announced the formation of a new "political organization," which will "allow for more substantial investment of resources in political and lobbying activities."
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