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Old 02-17-2010, 10:14 AM   #32
Yorkie Yakker
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Originally Posted by Mardelin View Post
This is an article and very lengthy. While the article is somewhat focused on HSUS it directly linked to PETA and to educate on the differance between Animal Rights and Animal Welfare:

Do you know the Real PETA and Humane Society
An Editorial by Alice Fix

You will not often see negative articles in our newsletter, but every now and again we are forced to make a stand, and to speak out about what we know is for the better good for all involved. This one such instance. We can no longer stand back and watch to see what will happen. I think that it is past time to publicly expose the real agenda of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and their cohorts in crime, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), and the animal rights agenda.

This article is long so it'll be posted in several posts.

For many years we have all enjoyed the companionship of our dogs and other animals. We have been busy playing with them, taking care of them, finding fun things that we could do with them, and gerally just having a great time with all the animals that live in our houses. While we have been enjoying the love and fun that our animals provide to us, there have been groups out there organizing on a grand scale trying to get our rights to own those animals taken away. Yes, that is excactly what I meant. Make no mistake about it. These people have organized on a large scale to infiltrate many major city councils and governments in the country to spread their propaganda. Their agenda is easily defined and simple. Their main objective is to take away your right to own animals. They do not want you to have the companionship of any animal. They do not want you to have the companionship of any animal, whether that is a dog, cat, horse, mouse, frog, fish or any other animal that you can think of. They are pooling their resources to get this accomplished, and have millions of dollars in there war chest for this effort.

This is a statement made by Ingrid Newkirk, the President of PETA: "I don't use the word 'pet.' I think it's sopecieist language. I prefer 'companion animal.' For one thing, we would no longer allow breeding. People could not create different breeds. There would be no pet shops. If people had companion animals in their homes, those animals would have to be refugees ffrom the animal shelters and the streets. You would have a protective relationship with them just as you would with an orphaned child. But as the surplus of cats and dogs (rtificially engineered by centuries of forced breeding) declined, eventually companion animals would be phased out, and we would turn to a more symbiotic relationship - enjoyment at a distance. ' TYhe Harper's Forum Book. Jack Hitt, ed., 1989, p.223.
Very Informative and makes the issue very clear. We all have our opinions about issues that effect our lives. We are all very passionate in our beliefs. Clearly this thread has struck a nerve with some. I just know that if I am supporting a cause and I find their practices to have harmed anyone (be it an animal or person) that is where my support would end. That is my opinion. Peta's action have been associated with causing harm to animals and their agenda is to take my right of pet ownership away. For whatever good the organization may have done in the past the fact that harm has come to an animal in their name negates that issue. That's where support for them would end.....period.
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