Thread: Tail docking
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Old 02-07-2010, 12:42 PM   #405
Join Date: May 2008
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I do know this - NO ONE who loves dogs would intentionally hurt them. If it caused unbelievable pain - I would think the practice would have ended a long time ago....
I couldn't agree more!!

'altering' body parts has been practiced by humans for centuries....I think it was Japapese women who would have their feet 'docked' so they'd look 'dainty' .....and after having my own foot surgery - I know for a fact that had to be VERY painful - yet it was done by their own mothers.....look at african tribes and their practices - YIKES - some of the lip rings etc are almost too painful to even look at - yet it's been done for ages...

It's actually called footbinding and was practiced up until the early 20th century..about 1911..and is a very interesting subject. I did some studies on it awhile back. It was the Chinese who did this and it was horribly painful.The reason it was done would floor you, but it is very interesting to read about. I watched a documentary on it first then I read all I could because it fascinated me.. Check out these links.
Kinu No Michi :: Footbinding
Painful Memories for China's Footbinding Survivors : NPR
Chinese Foot Binding - Lotus Shoes

We all know dogs can't speak for themselves - that's a given - but I've always felt that breeding / labor must be one of the more painful things a female dog will ever experience yet this is accepted all over the world and for good reasons - we love dogs. I know it isn't the same thing - but it IS painful

Docking tails may be banned in parts of the world and it may be un-necessary but it's done ....I would never fault those who are against it just as much as I would never fault those who are for it.

I DO agree that I wish as much passion was put towards stopping Puppy Mills and all the other things that I consider abusive (dogs tied up in yards - living in cages 24/7 or worse..... living OUTDOORS in cages)....Sorry - off the subject but it was brought up a few times) ----- There is so much animal cruelty in the world that seems to never end - and in my opinion only - docking tails docking tails doesn't come close to the cruelty some inflict on animals (I include ALL animals in this statement)

I think that people are discouraged because no matter how hard we all try to get mills closed it continues. One will be shut down and 5 more started up. Only way to even begin to stop it is to close commercial kennels and limit the amount the dogs you can have, like here it is 50 dogs of breeding age.
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