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Old 02-01-2010, 01:07 PM   #76
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by Vwitscher View Post
My heart goes out to your friend and I don't think you'll ever know how much your friendship means to her. I will keep she and her little girl in prayer.

I'm sorry this is so long but there is another thing that can cause our animals burns and I've decided to share this so others can keep this in mind. Heating pad burns. My girl DeeDee was expecting a singleton (x-ray confirmed) and went into labor on the weekend. After the bubble wouldn't come out any more we rushed to the emergency vet. It took a couple more hours before this vet decided she needed to do a c-section because my unborn puppy was not a "live" animal and she had others to take care of. So, once they went into surgery I was fully expecting a dead puppy. I was so sad for DeeDee because she'd had a very strong false pregnancy and wanted a baby so bad. After about a half hour the tech brought the puppy to me to see if I wanted to work on her and within an hour or her birth the miracle name Arabella started to breath. God's gift because DeeDee needed her so bad.
I had c-sections on girls in the past and there were some things that didn't seem right about Dee. When I would touch her the skin would ripple like a wave reacting to my touch. She crouched and didn't want to eat or drink. I would hand feed her and hold the water bowl for her. Bella was the only thing she would pay attention to. By the second day I took her to the vet and that's when I noticed a wet spot through her hair. They checked her out then took her to the back to shave the hair so they could get a closer look. I was told as the clippers tried to cut the hair her skin was just peeling off so they stopped. They had seen this before with a heating pad burn. They said it was going to take a lot of work and months of treatment but keeping the antibiotics in her and her away from the other dogs so no bacteria was around was very important. That vet was part of the group that owned the emergency vet hosp and he didn't think they were going to help me with any expenses. So I went to a vet not part of the group and I'll be darn if that vet didn't call the emergency vet to tell them what I said. When I went for a recheck the file was open and I saw the Dr. wanted them to call with anything I said or did. They all closed ranks and protected the butts of any of the other Dr. When I realized what was happening I called the emg Dr. directly. All I wanted was some help with the long term care and he kept saying no you aren't getting anything from us and if you sue you won't get anything because we are an LLC and don't own anything. So I was alone in my care of DeeDee. It took probably 6 months before it had healed from the inside out. Some of the places never grew hair back but with the other spots that did have hair you could cover most of the scars. I put her pictures in an album on my page. DeeDee was under anesthesia so she couldn't get away from the heat either. Please be careful with heating pads also.
wow first off i say let's here it for the Dee Dee's I have a Dee Dee and this is the first yorkie Dee Dee i have seen in all my forums - woo hoo

Now OMG i cannot believe that happened thanks for sharing as i had no idea and when my girl hurt her leg people said to put a heating pad under her bed to help but whew glad i did not - YIKES

You cannot sue them per se as LLC but you can take them to small claims court i believe as dogs are considered property and you can report them to the veterinary board to go after their license I believe but i am sure they all cover their booties I have heard some wild stories from vet techs on vet group about vets they worked for. How sad to know they did something wrong and not make it right that is just straight up wrong and I do believe in Karma when you do not do the right thing so it will come back to them as how can you do that to an animal that cannot speak HORRIBLE

I am glad she is doing well and you are a great mom
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