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Old 01-21-2010, 07:19 AM   #210
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by ally173 View Post
Deb, sorry to hear that Dex is not feeling well; what happened. ibd episode again? hope he's feeling better
i know isn't linda great; she's always there when you need her. i really appreciate people like you that go out of your way to help.
yeah he was vomitting tuesday from 5:45 am to 11 am it was not pretty - not really sure but witheld food, water and was in contact with hospital and back up vet as our vet was on vacation and internal medicine specialist was out until friday. Linda talked to me as i get really nervous and a few other friends from my yorkie groups called me as well so we got him through it and then he wanted food at 8 that night so soaked some kibble to see if he could keep it down and luckily he is back to normal but i am very thankful for linda's conversation as it helps to have someone to talk to when things are going bad and having had the dreaded pancreatitis and almost dying 4 years ago vomitting with him freaks me out big time - i called in sick to work and stayed home all day and dh took half day yesterday off to make sure he was over it
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