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Old 01-21-2010, 06:38 AM   #204
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by Mardelin View Post
Not being nasty to you, but your posts continousely emphizise your recommendations over the recommendations of a vet, you are putting yourself in a position of responsibility. Not a good thing
Providing information is one thing but, insisting that someone follow your recommendations over that of their vet's is another.

When you make a statement such as this without facts on who the Dr is and his expertise.....well not a good thing. "I am sure his research is not on toxins in fish and is on research in heart disease" You insulted my husband's Cardiac Physician's knowledge and proficency. This Physician has kept my husband free from another heart attack and healthy for the last 6 years.

You state over and over your dissatisfication with vets and doctors. However, they are the experts. There is information all over the internet to help us in our research. But, bottom line these doctors and vets have a lot of knowledge and have spent years going to school to be in the field they are in. I pay them for that knowledge.
sorry but i disagree as you have made comments about wow my dog has another diagnosis, you have been rude on another thread about liver shunt and upset the original op and she stated it in the thread. So I do think you are nasty and sorry but there is a reason there are nutritionalists who specialize in nutrition, cardiologists who specialize in cardiology a doctor or vet cannot know everything about everything and if you think so you are sadly mistaken.

I am not a vet neither are you nor anyone that i know of on here but if i know something from reading it i will share it whether you think i am coming from an authority on it that is your problem as i am simply sharing that farm raised fish has more potential of toxins as the links have been posted so no one is saying your doc is a QUACK as you put it - if i felt your doc or this vet was a QUACK believe me i would say it trust me i don't hold back usually but i have let you make your nasty comments and have responded to them nicely and will no longer do so - learn how to spell and others may take you more seriously as well see we can all be nasty here if you want but there is a sick dog here so being polite to one another is the nice thing to do not attacking each other as we can all do that as i have just done to you - for some reason you take everything so personally when a comment is made and lash out with your senseless comments - if you have an argument do so intelligently not lashing out with rudeness

this site is not based on vets everyone knows it we give our information we have learned and read and the persons responsibility is to consult with their vet or doctor if they do not do that it is on them

we all need help at some point as Linda helped me this week as my dog was very sick two days ago and she was kind and called me to discuss

Now if you have an intelligent link to something to dispute what elly and i have posted saying farm raised is better than wild fish by all means post it if not your just lashing out with no back up to your argument saying your cardiologist has done all the research and tilapia is best sorry show me the documentation I am not just taking someones word when i have read so much differently

I am very familiar with cardiology as a matter of fact my dad is going in for an angiogram today and had open heart surgery two years ago but his cardiologist guaranteed would not say he is an expert on tilapia but i can ask him today if you would like

what i find so ironic is you sit here and put me down about my experience of vets and then you post how you have not been able to find a decent vet here in california for the two years you have been here now how ironic is that and would be happy to post the link of you saying this so please spare me about the vet thing you know exactly what i have been experiencing here compared to texas where you had good experiences

Last edited by dwerten; 01-21-2010 at 06:41 AM.
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