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Old 12-17-2009, 12:21 AM   #48
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LP is a genetic disorder, not a health problem. It does not impede in her day to day living, as liver shunt or pancreatitis would (managing their daily diet for the rest of their lives). LP is luxating patella, and a large percentage of toy breeds have it, not just yorkies, and it ranges from grade 1 to 4, 4 being the worst. It is when the knee caps (patellas) get out of socket due to the groove not being deep enough to hold it in place. Over time it can cause arthritis and pain.

But, I agree with you to some extent, every breeding there is some risk, but the more you know of your dog and it's pedigree, the LESS risk you have in breeding them. The breeder I got Uni from you can call her a borderline byb as I would call you as well. I don't know anything about her grand parents, great grandparents, etc. But what I'm saying is, if you don't know if your dogs are close to standard, why breed them other than the fact of just breeding b/c your mommy pup is beautiful?

And please don't compare children to puppies. As much as I love dogs, and treat them like family, we all know they are not the same as human beings, just look at our laws. Many animal abusers and millers only get charged with misdemeanors IF that. (Not saying you are an abuser, but just bringing up a point.) Many children are brought into this world that do not have homes. Absolutely tragic, but so many families still want to have their own kids instead of adopting. (Not to mention to adopt a human child is about $40,000 IF you are approved) Same with rescues, sometimes it is hard to get approved. Then it is a bit of a high price to adopt, so many people just go the byb route. Sad all around.
The T.U.B. Pack! Toto, Uni, & Bindi
RIP Lord Scrappington Montgomery McLimpybottom aka El Lenguo the Handicapped Ninja 10-12-12
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