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Old 12-07-2009, 07:58 PM   #37
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by Mardelin View Post
No offense taken. However, I did speak to Doc on this subject and he said he could very well see why she had been misdiagnosed. Her wee one's blood panels never showed abnormalities what so ever. It was enigma to the other vets.
which is always the case with dogs with IBD as it does not show up on blood work and ibd dogs are treated with steroids in severe cases to keep the bowels from being inflamed which causes the diarhea. If the protein is not low then it is ibd and ibd runs in this breed. My guess is that if it gets severe enough it starts affecting the protein levels and can lead to this disease just like it can lead to pancreatitis from small intestinal inflammation. Since ibd and pancreatitis have affected dexter I have researched alot about this for 5 years as i want to know everything about it since it affected my dog. If the dog is not on the right diet then ibd can be a nightmare to deal with so diet is key and since white potato is in most diets it is an inflammatory food thus exacerbates the intestinal tract wreaking havoc on the intestines and why grain diets work well. However chicken is another story our internal medicine specialist is against it in ibd dogs as many ibd dogs have allergies and for some reason ibd dogs who are tied to allergy dogs have a problem with it as well but perhaps a dog that does not have allergies may do better as i know my ibd pancreatitis dog dex does ok with chicken yet my allergy dog dee dee when given chicken and rice had diarhea from it so each dog is very unique and why veterinary and human care is so complicated as what works for one dog may not for another so you have to take good notes, follow up and learn as much as you can from other yorkie owners and find out what works for your dog. Yorkies have alot of health issues it is not secret and digestive issues and allergies are tied to poor immune systems from inbreeding to death this breed therefore all these issues and why immune suppressed and mediated diseases run so ramped in this breed. And why one disease leads to another one so easily for example dogs with allergies many are hypothyroid and dogs with ibd also have allergies, etc ALL TIED TO THE SAME THING a POOR IMMUNE SYSTEM and very sad and having one of these dogs it is very upsetting and why i try to help others understand as much as i can and learn as much as i can - and yes i HATE GOING TO THE VET as everytime something else like this comes up as i have 3 dogs and Dee Dee is from an AKC breeder and has the most issues and it is very sad.
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