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Old 11-18-2009, 02:35 AM   #1
Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Tonopah, NV, USA
Posts: 18
Star Looking for breeding couple

I currently live in Nevada. My grandmother used to breed poodles and my mom used to breed yorkies before she died. I have had dogs all my life and am very good with them. I am looking to start breeding small yorkies as part of not only loving them, but also teaching young women in foster care a possible trade, plus I know that yorkies are great for helping people heal from all kinds of things. The dogs would be with me, but I would have the girls come over to spend time with them during the day. I can also use these dogs to not only teach them breeding, but grooming and training. They will be well loved and also help heal a lot of people in ways only dogs can. I live in Tonopah which is right between Reno and Las Vegas. I don't know if there is a way to get them here. I do have a friend who goes to CA every month that could bring them back to me from there. Besides helping us to help others, I of course will love them very much, and because of our nonprofit they will get a lot of love and care from others. Because we will have a vet sponsoring us they will get excellent care. They might even become famous as I tell the news about our work with them so they will advance the interest in yorkies. I know my mom's yorkies helped her and my grandmother when they were sick and depressed. Elvis was fantastic at keeping my grandmother company when she was in a hospice. This is when I started thinking how great Yorkies would be as medicinal dogs as well as helping these young girls I work with now learn a trade they can do. If you would like to talk to me more about this, you can reach me at
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