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Old 09-23-2009, 06:10 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by ndyorkiemom View Post
1. 30 females and 10 males?
2. 48 hours to have a puppy examined (by two different vets if a problem arises)?
3. Her contract counterdics itself about the length of her guarantee?
4. The fact that the only necropsy results she will accept are those from Tx Med.Diag. Labs in my eyes is just a cover up so that the pup won't have to be replaced.

Now heres my reasons for these comments, please keep in mind these are just my opinions

1. That is a lot of Yorkies, I have 9 and of those only three are breeder females. I have three males, one is neutered and a pet, one is a pet and my main stud (also my service dog who alerts me to Sycopy attacks) and the third is my future hopeful for a stud and a pet.
With 40 adults how does this breeder give each dog the individual attention that they need on a daily basis to be well adjusted dogs. Now add the puppies, even at just two puppies per litter and only breeding 10 of her females once a year thats another twenty Yorkies. Don't get me wrong I love Yorkies as much as the next person but hey, there is NO WAY on earth that you or anyone for that matter can give 60 dogs individual attention on a daily basis and still get everything done that is needed to run a smooth, clean and healthy program. And thats figuring giving each dog just 20 minutes of attention a day. That comes out to twenty hours aday just for attention, when would you find time for cleaning and feeding not to mention grooming and health care needs.
In my own mind on this alone I would have to wonder, is the puppy well socialized?

2. This is not enough time in my eyes, I give my adopters four business days from the time they pick their puppy up. And why would the adopter have to have the puppy checked by two different vets within 48 hours? If the puppy was healthy when he/she left the breeder than one vet check up should be good. It sounds to me like this breeder is just trying to set it up so that the buyer won't have much of a chance if the puppy should become ill and need to be replaced.

3. How long is her guarantee really for and what does it truely cover? Having two different lengths of one contract could possibly make it hard for the adopter to come back on a contract. Depending on the health condition the breeder could say that one condition was only covered for six months while some other health issue is covered for 12 months. Here I am going to say "buyer beware". This could just be an over site on the breeders part, but if it is brought to the breeders attention and then isn't corrected you can bet that something isn't right.

4. What happens if the adopter is from out of state or even from somewhere like Canada? How do they get this survice done at this facility? I understand wanting a necropsy done as I have that in my contract as well, but I also realize that certain conditions call for special circumstances. As long as the place doing the necropsy is reputable and in good standing with the AMVA I will accept their reports. Once I recieve them I send them to my personal vet to have them gone over with me so I fully understand them.
In demanding that all necropsies are done at the Tx. Medical Diag. Labs this breeder AGAIN is covering any chance of having to stand behind her contract.
I don't know many people who can make arrangement to send a dogs body to Tx. if they live in say Idaho or Canada. That would end up getting alittle pricey to say the least. You would have to have your vet package the body for shipping and then special shipping arrangements would have to be made with the airline. This is just another reason that I would again say "buyer beware"

These are just the ramblings and opinions of me... a very small Yorkie breeder nothing more nothing less.
this sounds like she might be part of a broker scam im serious i just got suck in this type of situation buying my puppy and the life warranty was the same 48 hr too the vet or lose your life time warranty such crock of poop.. anyways to spite their horrbile company thank god my dogs doing ok and growing healthy
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