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Old 08-10-2009, 02:17 PM   #18
Tobie's Mommy
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Life seem so unfair I know... Let me tell you that I understand a lot of your pain. Me, my sister, my best friend and another guy friend were coming back from a church cook-out when we were hit head on by a drunk driver who was on the wrong side of the road. As our car stopped in middle of the street, we were hit a second time on the side (the side I was on) by an escalade who didn't see us in time to stop. My best friend was killed instantly and both of my femur bones were snapped and came through the skin. It took over an hour to get all of us out of the car. My sister injured her back and wrist and our other friend had a shattered hip.
A couple of years later my baby sister (the same one that was in the car accident with us) was attacked and raped while she was alone in her apartment.
I have had quite a few severe panic/anxiety attacks in the last year because I have PTSD that I just can't seem to get over. I always stop and wonder what my life would have been life if I could go through life with that false sense of security that nothing bad will ever happen to me or my family. Instead, I have anxiety everytime I get in there car or I have to have someone walk me to my car if I go anywhere at night. I go through life being scared of what is going to happen next and I feel like those 2 guys took that sense of security away from me.
I have never lost a parent, so I can't say I completely understand what you have gone through but I get by with thinking about what I do have.
I just wanted to share my story with you and let you know I understand how difficult life can be when you've had bad things happen. If you ever need anyone to talk to, you can send me a PM anytime
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