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Old 06-01-2009, 09:41 PM   #51
Puppy Luv
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Originally Posted by FlDebra View Post
I think people have to understand that differing with someone's opinion is not bashing them. Saying what you feel is ethical and safe breeding, even if it is opposite of what someone else is doing, is not bashing them. So many times in threads where alternative opinions are offered, many jump to the defense and say, "don't be rude,don't jump on that person, don't degrade, etc....."

People need to be able to offer differing opinions. Why would anyone want information to stand unchallenged? Sometimes a post may not be all saccharine and sweet because the poster feels strongly about correcting a perception before too many others think the practices are appropriate.

We have to be able to debate some issues. Otherwise, what is the use of such an informative source? Threads that are closed, are usually closed, not because the experienced breeder breeched protocol, but because others jump on the bandwagon to defend the right of the controversial breeder to continue with their practices in ways that are inflammatory, insulting, or accusatory.

I continue to learn daily. I see others contemplating breeding coming to YT daily too. If some of these threads are allowed to go unchallenged, what are the new breeders to think? What are they going to learn? I want to hear from as many sources as possible. We are all mature enough to decide who we want to choose for an information resource. But if only one opinion is allowed to stand, what choices will be available?

I thank the experienced breeders that care enough about the Yorkshire Terrier, to keep coming back and offering advice, correcting misperceptions, and sometimes enduring insults to protect the future of the breed. It is a dedication to purpose that I respect and appreciate. So to Brooklyn, Mardelin, Lorraine, Nancy, and I know I am missing several others.... but thanks to all of you! Please keep doing what you do -- there are a lot of us soaking it up like a sponge!
Great post!!! Thank you!
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