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Old 05-12-2009, 11:39 AM   #1
jack's mom
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: GERMANY
Posts: 3
Embarassed Needing some advice

I am not sure if I am posting this in the correct areas or not but I am needing some advice about my yorkie. My husband and I have had Jack for 2 years now. We go him when he was just 8 weeks old. My husband is active duty in the Air Force and we are currently stationed in Germany. My question is regarding whether or not I should take Jack with us to the states or find him another home. We will be leaving in August and will be doing an extensive amount of traveling until January when we reach our next station. My husband will be starting a new career field will require 4 months of training. Also we are expecting a our first child in November. I am worried that we will not be able to handle all of the moving, a child, and Jack. My main concern is how Jack will adjust to a new family. I have heard of many families finding new homes for their animals but to me Jack is different. We are all he has ever known and it breaks my heart to think that he will be sad but I truly want the best for him. Can they really be happy with another family? I am not sure what or where we will be living when my husband is in training and I worry about not being able to have him if we have to stay in some type of apartment. I am also concerned about having to care for a new born as well as give Jack the adequate attention he needs. I will basically be a single first time mother as my husband will be consumed with the military for the majority of the time.

I would appreciate any advice that anyone can give.
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