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Old 04-07-2009, 12:22 PM   #105
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Jexxie -- Yes, For $1000 that person CAN get full registration. But it is NOT a given. Lots and lots of questions and references, as stated. I have not advertised them that way to just anyone. I am not perpetuating unregistered dogs either. They are quality AKC, in breed standard. I had the mother and father checked out ahead of time and got experienced breeder input about my two. I am honest about just starting out -- how is that a negative? A negative would be to do like you did and say that I am experienced when I am just starting. A negative would be to alternately claim puppies are CKC registered, then that the parents did not have papers because they cost more, then that one was a rescue. That gets confusing to type!

How did you get the "practice what you preach" out of my post? I have AKC registered, pedigrees available, pictures of parents and grandparents, puppies to sell. You are talking about having dogs without papers just long enough to put out a litter, selling them for $175 to someone who immediately had another mixed breed, and now talking about breeding one of those puppies with another breed when you don't know the background or health history of the dogs. That is a LOT different. I don't get why you do not see that. I don't think there is anyone against all breeding of quality in standard AKC yorkies, is there?

You keep being so nasty and when I say cussing people, it is the name calling and the hostile words you use that I am talking about. I asked you several questions in that post but you sure did not answer any of them. Instead you want to sling insults. Stick to facts. That is why I tried to quote you several times, so you would realize I was only talking about exactly what you had posted. You have made conflicting statements. Do you want to clear them up?

See you casually ask people's opinion if you should breed these dogs. Do you really think people should just off the cuff say, yes, breed them? Instead, shouldn't a person do a little background work before they say that? I think so, and that is why I made one click of a button where it says "List other posts from this member" and they all come up. It takes about 2 seconds. Not difficult, not time consuming, and an easy way to see what else a person is posting about. Did it all with a puppy in my lap.

You can do anything you want with your dogs, but when you ask people's opinion -- be ready to get it. And don't bite their heads off if they don't all think you are doing it all right. I am just starting, but there is no way that you can say I don't know what I am talking about. I spent 2 years studying what I was going to do before I did it. I asked a million questions BEFORE I let dogs breed. I would never just arbitrarily get rid of my adult dogs because the breeding did not work out either. They are mine to love and be cared for. You can say you really care about your dogs and that they are a member of your family, but when you have a male and female and get rid of both of them in about 6 months time (just long enough to give you a litter) and then on to another dog, well....actions speak much louder than typed words.
FlDebra and her ABCs
Annie, Ben, Candy
Promoting Healthy Breeding to the AKC Yorkshire Terrier Standard
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