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Old 04-07-2009, 12:13 PM   #104
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Yep, this thread is off the rails, and I'm enjoying the ride!

Nancy1999, I have lots of respect for your knowledge, so I don't mean this as an attack. Here, you say that you think only purebreds should be bred because they are easiest to place. However, later on, you say it shouldn't matter if mixed breeds are easier to sell because "all puppies are cute". Isn't this a contradiction? What if someone said that there are lots of wonderful yorkies out there, so we don't need any more?

Originally Posted by Nancy1999 View Post
Since it's easiest to place a purebred that meets standard, and, of course, is healthy, I believe in only breeding purebreds, who meet standard, and have been health screened for genetic diseases. We are killing millions of dogs each year, and I won't ever support breeders who are contributing to the problem. Joey's breeder will take back at any time, all the offspring her dogs produce, and find it a new home. I have no doubt in my mind she will do this. All breeders should do this, and if they aren't willing to do this, they shouldn't be breeding. There are thousands of wonderful mixed breeds available, why would there be a need to produce more, or yeah, because it's easier to sell a puppy, all puppies are cute.
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