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Old 04-07-2009, 11:28 AM   #101
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Nov 2008
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Posts: 97

I'm only going to say this one more time. I wasn't going to breed the pups to see what they looked like. And I wasn't breeding them to sell. I was thinking of breeding them because they are both wonderful dogs with great temperaments. Yes, I have a post about my dogs leg making a sound. So what? I came here for knowledge. Since someone keeps tracking down my old posts then you should know that I also said that if he has a LP, I definitely wouldn't want to pass it down to any other dog. I really feel sorry for the person that has enough time to trace down my old posts, repost them for everyone to see, and then criticize me because I came to a yorkie site for adivice on my yorkies!!! Not everyone knows it all like you. Some of us have to eat our pride and ask questions. Yes, I had a female that had social issues and potty training issues. Yes, I had a litter of pups and didn't know how long it would take to find them good homes. One of the reasons for that is, since I was told by almost everyone to keep the pups til they were 12 wks old, no one wanted them anymore because they weren't tiny pups. BUT that was fine. I waited to find them perfect homes all of which are close to me and they all still keep in touch with me and let me know how the pups were doing. I made them sign a spay/neuter contract, sent then with puppy care guides, food, toys, collars, leashes, pet taxis,etc.. Not bad for a "backyard breeder", eh? THey went to WONDERFUL homes and I have no doubt in my mind that they will all be spoiled rotten and taken care of excellently. And as far as shelter dogs, I never said you couldn't find a good dog at a shelter. NEVER said that. I said that alot of times shelter dogs have issues.. THats a big reason why they end up in the shelter to begin with. Puppy mill raids, etc. And around here, no yorkie stays at the shelter long. The rescues are another story. Has anyon e ever got a dog from puppyfind. com or or any of those sights? if so, congratulations!!You probably just supported a puppy mill. Not all breeders are puppy mills on there, but I know of 3 of them that are right down the road. They have 200 + dogs living in wire cages, but since they have a USDA license, that somehow makes it ok. It's those people that you need to watch out for, not me. And I have never cussed anyone on here.... And as far as my breeder friends on YT, although they may not condone mixing breeds, they would never act like children about it. You all don't know me and you don't know anything about my personal life. You have no room to judge. You can say that you think it's a bad idea to breed mixes all day long... that's one thing, but for you to call me a backyard breeder and this n that is totally uncalled for. Every single time anyone says something you don't like or don't agree with , you start in with your hateful comments and it's totally ridiculous. And if breeding is a "privledge" and you have to be some kind of GOD to do it, who determines this? who says who can breed and who can't??? I said before and I will say it again.. just because you can copy articles and paste them on a thread doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. I live in Nebraska, not LA.. There aren't dozens of rep. breeders around here to mentor me. That's why I come to this site... to talk to people who know the process.. and the sad part is, i'd say about 80% of all the replies I get are just people ranting and raving .. Nothing useful.. 10% of the replies aren't even about the subject at hand.. Now we're talking about Biewers.. Oh well, it gets you off my back for a while. I truely do appreciate most advice I get on here.. But what I don't appreciate is the bad mouthing, and the stalking of my previous posts. Don't you have anything better to do? Like take care of your dogs??? It seems like people spend more time talking on here about their dogs then actually spending time with them.. How sad. I've seen it time and time again when people come here for a friend, or some encouragement and get totally shot down and it really does break my heart. I see people come here with an emergency... like there dog is sick or in labor and instead of someone saying "you need to do this" people say " you're not responsible.. you should have never bred.." .. "take your dog to a vet".. You need to understand that there are real people behind these keyboards that have feelings.. And when they come here in the middle of a crisis or they need some good advice, having so many people just start degrading them doesn't help the situation. Next time I will take my questions to the breeder section. They are way more helpful and not nearly as judgemental, from my experience. So, you all have a good day.. If you get a moment of free time and you don't have anything else to do, like play with fido, you can feel free to search all of my past threads and decide what to put me down for next. God Bless...
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