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Old 03-26-2009, 07:00 AM   #84
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Default What a shame.....

I debated with myself about posting in a heated thread. But I decided that the OP deserves replies when she has asked for people's honest opinions. Sorry to the seller, but there is no way that I would believe those were the same dogs either -- especially when the pictures are supposedly taken only ONE month apart. I think you have to see the buyer's point of view at least a LITTLE on that point. I think the nasty replies from the seller sort of seals the deal as to who is not doing right, in my mind. To make accusations like: "she is UNCLEAN and disgustingly out in the mud with her ears back in fear" and "unkempnow she looks filthy, poor and unkempt" is ridiculous. She is NOT in mud. Even the picture taken outside, the dirt is obviously dry and she does not look filthy. She does look like a larger, darker dog with droopy ears, whether in fear or just not ears that stand up, it can't be discerned from a picture.

The seller also says "I have no idea how much weight she gained with Sara, " yet she advertised the dog as weighing 5 pounds AFTER she got her back from Sara. If you are going to sell a dog, especially if it has been out of your possession for a time, then you need to verify details like that or you are not being honest. You can't say a picture was taken a month ago, when it was really 5 months ago. That too, is dishonest.

And what is up with the line the seller wrote: "If you continue to bash me I would be happy to have my family take care of the "slander" issues. " Is that a threat? Very unprofessional. BTW "slander" is spoken, "libel" is published in writing -- and it has to actually be an untruthful statement.

I also agree that the seller's quotes from the buyer only make me think she did try to make things work. She knew just by looking that the dog was not what she paid her money for, but she was willing to try until it became evident that the behavior problems were a dangerous risk to her small yorkie and maybe even her children.

I wonder at the not so subtle insinuations about bow insults and husband's ex-wife. If there is ex-wife/current wife relationship here, then who knows what to believe. But if a person wants to be a professional breeder, they had better make sure their word is gold and not sell dogs with very out of date pictures, nearly 2 pound weight difference, and aggression problems when they know the buyer has a small dog and small children. You just don't do that to the buyer or the dog. As another poster said, this is a dog that needs to go where she can be an only child and get some quality time resolving her behavior issues. It is a shame that the dog grew larger than any of the three mentioned owners wanted, did not have the "look" any of them were after, and had agression problems. But what a shame the poor dog still does not have a forever home and was needlessly shipped to the buyer who had different expectations. Instead of pawning her off on trusting people, the seller needs to find a home where she can have her special needs met.

You also don't post threats or be rude to customers. I think this was entirely unprofessional!

I believe the seller should return the purchase price and at least one way of the transportation cost, and the vet fees incurred by the buyer. These are just my opinions, which everyone has their own, and after all, that was what was asked for.

Such a shame that this happened on YT. Not only did this buyer decide buying from a YT member cannot be trusted, many others reading this will now not want to take the risk of buying from what was usually considered a reliable source -- yorkietalk members! This hurts all breeders. Maybe we could come up with a voluntary mediation program on YT. We have a company in our town that provides a service like that to individuals and businesses alike. Here we could have a board of some of the long-time members who have earned a good reputation. Each would hear out both sides and then come to a consensus with the other mediators as to their recommendation. Just an idea......
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