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Old 02-15-2009, 09:14 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by JCali View Post
Also, I was just wondering, would you pay $2000? I am not being sarcastic about this, I honestly am just curious. While I am sure the dogs are complete dolls, and I would be more than willing to pay the expenses that a dog brings, I just couldn't justify spending $2000, in addition to all the expenses of owning a dog, on any dog (rescue or not) when I could use 1500 to 1900 of that to help my family with college/medical expenses.

No, if you look back I had replied earlier that I thought it was outrageous to ask that amount of money! Usually there are set fees by age and not what the pup had in medical expenses. That is why rescues take donations. (I believe Truman's fee is $150 and he had already cost more in vet bills on his first visit. He will still need to be neutered and have a dental.

I adopted Doodlebug and paid $350 for his adoption fee which I opted to pay IN ADVANCE. He was a puppy and his mom had a c-section. There was the bill for that and all of the vet visits with the puppies from her liter. They had a lot of dogs in the rescue and I knew how they would have difficulty paying the expenses. When I picked him up I also brought supplies that they had asked for on their website. At Christmas I sent a small gift from Doodlebug. Bogey was a whopping $60 which included a $35 neuter deposit. I told them to keep the deposit as a donation. Then at Christmas I drove back to the IN shelter and made a donation and had pictures with Santa taken.

I did all of this because I wanted to give back. I also adopted them not knowing what I was getting but wanting to give them a good home. I couldn't justify spending $2,000 on ANY dog EVER!!!!!

Since I have no idea how they set their prices it is shocking to me too! YTNR is a HUGE rescue that takes in a lot of donations. Maybe someone should pose this question directly to them They do seem to have some pretty high adoption charges compared to others. Look how sick Truman is and there was no question about the money it would take to make him well. It wasn't even considered that his price should cover his medical bills. They took him because he was in need.
“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” Mark Twain

Last edited by megansmomma; 02-15-2009 at 09:15 PM.
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