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Old 12-16-2008, 05:33 PM   #48
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Location: North Dakota
Posts: 336

I'm not doing any bashing but I do have a question or a statement however you want to look at it.
I just went to your site to look at your dogs and granted I only seen two breeds, poodle and yorkie I couldn't help but wonder.
Why don't you have a signal picture of an adult listed so that people can see what your dogs look like? You state that you share this site with others which is fine and dandy but, you could at least post pictures of your dogs as an example. I know myself and many others (not all show breeders) are proud of our Yorkies or what ever breed we raise and have pictures of the parents for all to see.
I know when I was looking to get my first Yorkie it was important for me to at least see pictures of the adults from the people I was talking to or interested in. While my Yorkies aren't all done up in bows and frills and there are no show pictures on my site I do have pictures of all of them (puppies and adults) so that people can see the type of Yorkies I have.
Also there are no names of other owners or even mention of any bloodlines on your site. Personally I want to know what bloodlines are there even if they aren't champion lines. You will find my pedigrees on my site by clicking on the dogs picture. This isn't done to show off but so that people know what is behind my Yorkies. I feel that anyone wanting to adopt one of my babies should have the right to be able to check the lines that are there and possibly talk with other breeders or owners who have the same lines.
I don't think that the prices that you get for your babies is what some of the people on here have an issue with...
What I am hearing (reading) is that some of your adopters have had health issues with their puppies.
As for all dogs getting mites or cocidia I don't agree with you at all, sure they can get these things but, not all have them.
If that were the case then I would have to concider myself the perfect home above all others (which I don't believe for one minute either) for my Yorkies because I have never had one of my Yorkies adult or puppy get ear mites. And as for cocidia I can honestly state and back it up with reports from my vet that I have only had this happen once in all the time I have had Yorkies.
Yes these problems can be cured this is true, but they can also be prevented in the first place.
You seem to be directing all of your statements at show breeders when in fact the people that have posted here haven't said once that they show or that they intend to show. They have even gone so far as to say they love thier puppies... they just weren't happy with the fact that the puppies they got from you or from your site had health issues.
I breed Yorkies occassionally and I also dabble in showing a couple of my Yorkies. Does that make me a show breeder? I don't think so, also I don't think that my prices are outragous concidering the time and effort I put into making sure that I have healthy happy well adjusted babies.
Personally I don't think you are being fair in your statements and you are doing the exact same thing that you are accusing others of doing... BASHING!
The only difference is that you are targeting everyone that shows a Yorkie or that has prices higher than yours.
If and mind you I am only saying IF you are raising Yorkies or any other breed just so that everyone can afford one then you are in it for the wrong reason... Breeding shouldn't be done so that you can provide someone with a dog at a cheaper price than someone else. It should be a well thought out and extremely well planned thing. If someone wants a Yorkie or Doxie or any other breed cheap then for the love of Gods creatures go to the shelter nearest you and adopt one. There are many there that would give anything to have a loving home and many are purebred dogs.
This year I have had a total of 6 Yorkie puppies 2 of which are still here in my home. Now stop and think about this before you state to belittle me, along with those 6 puppies I have 10 adults. Seven females and three males so if you figure that out it comes to less than one puppy per female and those 6 puppies are from two litters.
When I breed one of my Yorkies it's because I have thought it out and I am trying to improve on what I have, not for the almighty dollar as you seem to insinuate when you speak of your prices compared to " show breeders".
I'll get off of my soap box now, but I just wanted to let you know that I thought you were drifting away from the topic of the original post... The health of your puppies sold from your site.
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