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Old 12-15-2008, 03:41 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by bsmiley25 View Post
I have a two year old Yorkie and now a 16 week old silky cocker (I thought she was a silky terrier mixed with a cocker but the internet says maltese mixed with cocker - thoughts?). Buehrle, my two year old, learned to go on a pee pad quickly. I work long days (10 hours plus) and would keep him in my bathroom. He was also a jumper, so I closed the door to ensure he stayed in there. He would go on the pee pad, which I kept in the shower, and then play/sleep in the rest of the bathroom. Once he was more trained, I let him run around the house during the day. He still doesn't quite understand how to let me know he needs to poo and usually does that inside, but that is only twice a day so I am not too upset by that.

My youngest, Alexei, is another story. I got her 10 days ago and she is a potty training nightmare. She will wake me up really early in the morning and whine in her crate to go outside. When we go out, she will potty. However, the rest of the day she will go outside but then pee as soon as we get inside. The worst part is that I leave her in the bathroom when I am at work. When I come home, she has gone pee on the pad but pooped on the floor. Then she ran through the poo and got it all over the floor, walls, and herself. I understand that she needs to go, but how can I make her leave it alone and not walk through it?

One other thing: my oldest has started to have accidents in the house since I got the puppy. How can I remind him not to do this even though he sees her doing it?

OMG!!!! We must have the same dog. I used to leave my little one in the bathroom too and poop was everywhere. On her, the wall, the floors. I was giving her a bath almost everyday! I think the bathroom was to is just a powder room. Now I leave her in my bedroom which has a bathroom. I leave a potty pad in there but she misses it. At least now she's not stepping in it. She does poop in the same place.
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