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Old 11-30-2008, 03:30 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by scrapindee View Post
I would like to add my 2 cents here. I had a puppy who is 3# that I had originally listed for $3500. Part of the price, is the fact she is small and I want someone who can take her to the vet as often as she might need to go--she could be stepped on, dropped, or jump and easily be hurt. Part of the price is supply/demand. I have sold Biewers for $900. If I sell this little one for that price, I would have all sorts of folks thinking, I have a tiny--now I can breed her. Part of the price was the cost of bringing you to the puppy or the puppy to you. My puppy kit that goes with my dogs includes about $350 worth of toys, bed, food, etc. for the new puppy parents.

Her parents or grandparents were imported from Germany, registered with Germany. Puppies go to the vet, vaccinations, well-puppy check ups. All dogs here eat highest quality foood. Vet checks on adult dogs. This puppy was recently spayed and had a few puppy teeth removed. Registerations. All this costs money. My pups are among the most socialized pups you will ever have. All this takes time and energy.

I've taken payment plans for my pups and do in-depth reference checks on my dogs' buyers. I guarantee my pups' health--no genetic illnesses--for their entire lifetime.

Are my dogs expensive? Yes. Have I lowered my prices in special cases? You bet.

These dogs are a rare breed--we take them to shows and spend $$$ on these shows, hotels, gas, airlines.

I don't want these dogs in puppy mills or auctions. Do I think anyone should spend $3000 on a Biewer--that is up to you. It is a matter of choice. Anyone can buy a Cadillac SUV or a PT Cruiser--they are both cars and both have 4 wheels and steering column and a radio.

I hope this answers your questions.
Um....I didn't even know you were a breeder, so I was not talking about you, your puppies nor your price...I have come across websites and I do not know if they are YT members or not. Simple questions... I did not want anyone to take offense to it. Why is it people get upset when discussing money and animals? Also why are they called a "rare breed" isn't that like calling a teacup yorkie "rare".....isn't this why people charge higher. When I hear rare, I go for the hills........they also have the "rare" white boxer etc...and people charge high for them because they use the word "rare".
BTW you know your Biewer was the one that got me interested in them in the first place. So now I have raised a few questions on the difference.
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