Thread: Liver disease
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Old 11-08-2008, 01:03 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by MauiGirl View Post
Ok, so I paid $28 for Marin at the vet's and I now see online it is only $15; and now I hear I shouldn't use it at all. Hummm.

I'll order Denosyl and maybe vetri-dmg, and hepato support.

Yorkieluv, do you give yours milk thistle and Vit. E in a dog formula, or is human grade ok to use, and how do you know how much? Same question pertaining to sam-e, would human grade be ok, and how much.

Is Denosyl the same as sam-e? Sorry for so many questions, just trying to get educated quickly.
Marin doesn't contain enough vit. E, IMO.
I use human grade milk thistle and vitamin E. You can buy 100 IU vitamin E and pierce the end and squeeze around half to start with onto your baby's food. I give Miko more than that, but he's bigger and since you're still not sure about everything, I would say around half.
Make sure that whatever milk thistle you buy does not contain any extra ingredients...It should be 80% silymarin as well...
SAMe is the same thing as Denosyl, but I have not been able to find it in doses smaller than 200 mg, and that's too much for a small yorkie. Human grade is fine, if you can find it in 100 mg pills. Also, remember that you cannot break or crush the pill in any way because it will lose it's potency and not do any good. It must be given whole and on an empty stomach 1 hr before a meal. Morning is best b/c of this.

The advantage of giving vetri-dmg is that it comes in liquid form and does not have to be given on an empty stomach. Also, you can control the amount you give...

Do not give vetri-dmg and denosyl together b/c they are basically the same thing. Vetri-DMG is the precursor to denosyl, so you can give one OR the other or you can alternate every month or whatever you choose.

Milk thistle can be given any time of the day.

The dose of milk thistle is:
5-10 lb dog = 15% of the human dose
11-20 lb dog = 20% of the human dose
The typical dose for humans is 200mg capsule - 2x/day, so that = 400mg, and then you just have to multiply it by .15 to get 60mg per day for a 5-10lb dog...
Milk Thistle
Miko 's his Mommy
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