Thread: My Yorkie died
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Old 11-01-2008, 04:35 PM   #90
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Unlove I simply cant imagine the pain...

My heart goes out to you. You were being pro-active and getting her cared for. My mother has a toy poodle -adopted last month- that had all but two of his teeth removed due to extreme infection. Upon taking him to the vet upon adoption she was informed he needed the rest removed, he had been suffering with infection for months. Monday was his surgery, he did fine, but the worry was just terrible. You did nothing wrong and could not of foreseen this, don't beat yourself up.

I cant imagine how any words can truly make you feel OK, they are our friends, most times such a better companion than any human. Cherish your memories-I am positive he is at peace and will always be with you in spirit forever.

I adopted a rescue Oct 17th. He has un-descended testicles and they require he be neutered by Nov 30th. I am terrified! He is one year old and very healthy, but the risks seem so high with the toy breeds, and from what I have researched the un-descended testicles can be an invasive surgery. I am feeling so very guilty. He was pretty thin when I got him home. He has put on alomost one pound since then. He is making the transistion just fantastic, but now I have to put him through another traumatic event just as he is feeling comfortable and at peace-and I am very worried for him.

Take care of you-my prayers are with you. As many has said, we are always here to listen and share in your pain.

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