Thread: My Yorkie died
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Old 10-31-2008, 11:07 AM   #82
Senior Yorkie Talker
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 216

Do you have the blood panels done prior to any procedure that will require anesthesia? What kind of anesthetic does your vet use? They should be using either isoflurene or Sevoflurene on toy dogs, that is the safest that is available. Also, when I have a dental done, and any teeth are removed, I now insist on getting antibiotics before I leave the vet's. I already had one of my dogs end up with such a fierce infection from just a minor tooth being removed, that he almost lost an eye and ended up being treated for almost a year after the dental before he was completely cleared of infection. He still gets ulcers on that eye very easy now, and I always have the antibiotic for the eye on hand. Since then, even if the vet feels that there should not be a problem, I insist on getting the antibiotics.
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