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Old 09-06-2008, 10:25 AM   #3
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Default i agree

I must agree with you. I am new at breeding and let me tell you whats happening to me. My female is on day 65 from the time she first tied and now waiting for 2 pups to arrive. I bred my female to the breeders personel dog 4 tiimes starting on 7/3 i did not know when she began her heat and had to guess for we were on vacation when she started and she was with a sitter. I wanted to breed her once more to make sure she would have more than one or two and she did not answer my texts. I even texted her since than to ask her a Q and she still has not responded back to me.
I told her 2 years ago that i wanted to bred my dog to hers and she told me $500 or one pup. Now after breeding my dog to hers i assumed it stood the same but she said when i was leaving $1500 or one pup. they are brazilian born dogs and not even AKC registered. I said i thought you told me 500 and she said well then give a pup. and i said what if she just has one and she told me just to keep it which i thought was fair. but 1500 is a absurd fee for a dog that has no registration!!!
In the meantime, two weeks after breeding my female urinated on the wee-wee pad and it smelled like FISH like yuck!!! i called the vet, brought her in did a urine test and she said she has a UTI and bladder infection. gave her anti-biotics and $200 later sent me home and told me to come back in two weeks to retest urine. 2 weeks later there was still and infection so she gave me another anti-biotic $150. told me to come back again in 2 more weeks with more urine and she still had and infection!!!! I had to bring her in again last friday and she had to xray her to see where her bladder was located for she had to do a internal culture and send it to a lab to see what kind of strain of bacteria it was it cure this ( $300 more)..Low and behold no bacteria in her bladder at all..she said that it is coming from her vagina and can not do anything till pups are born to treat this. She said it could have been caused from the breeding and STD's are rare in dogs but other infections are possible. She said she will not pass it on to the pups...
I must say i am furious over this.. I spend $650 on treatment so far and it is still not cured. After she has these pups i will call up the breeder and tell her she will receive nothing. for she did not return my texts, which is the only way to speak with her and this has cost me enough for the bacteria. I have looked up online and various studs range from 350-500 for a fee and $1500 is crazy and now sick about this bacteria thing.
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