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Old 08-07-2008, 10:26 AM   #58
Mimi & Gabby too!
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Its ashame that its done but its reality. This is why my furkids have their own savings account that neither I or my husband touch. I started doing this when I found out Mimi had LP. Vet says she doesn't need surgery but you never know. I also learned a lesson when I had Lilly. She needed heart surgery that was 2500.00, I had to take out a loan for that which I am still paying for. Unfortunatley my baby girl didn't make it and passed away the same night after surgery Care credit is good too...I have it.
You have to have a back up plan because you just never know. I have $50.00 biweekly that transfers to their account every 2 weeks. I don't even see the money because as soon as my pay check hits my account the money comes out. I will just build up that account because I know more than likely they will need alot of care when they get older.

My friends think I'm crazy because my dogs have their own savings account but I tell them everytime that they aren't going to fork up the money if they get sick. So now everytime they're sick they go to the vet and I have no worries of not being able to pay for it.
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