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Old 07-31-2008, 08:30 AM   #87
YT 1000 Club Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Default Please...just trust in your vet

And if you dont...take them to someone you do.

Some YT's need to quit putting out bad information
Members seeking help for their sick puppies may not know any better.

Bam Bam is getting better and still a few ...insist on pushing this test.
Why chance it?
While it may not have been the cause of lil teasers death and others.
It contributed to it in his weakened condition.
I would hate to have seen this happen to Bam Bam and others with sick tiny pups
Who would insist their vets do this test based on a few people from YT saying it?
Please with your vets..yes..but do not push for this test.
Your vet will know if it should be done on such a tiny...young and sick puppy.

A blood draw is NOT a blood draw is a blood draw..

It takes an EXTRA CC at the least to do the BAT testing.
Along with what is needed to do the blood panel.
So more wrong information
Oh like this EXTRA small amount matters ?!?!?
Yes...It sure can on a puppy that is already sick and weak.
When you're talking a puppy who weighs mere OUNCES....
Its just not needed. And may mean death.

Since when is this Dr. Dodds website the bible on blood draws, BAT testing or anything else for that matter.
Debbi ~Follow the 3 R's~~~
Respect for self...Respect for others ...Responsibility for all your actions
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