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Old 07-31-2008, 06:31 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by bjh View Post
CrystalVery well said. Sometimes blood draws are necessary and most vets do draw from the jugular vein. I think the main point is that most people feel that for a healthy puppy it is best to wait until the puppy is at least 2 lbs and preferably around 6 months old. I would never hesitate to have a blood panel done on a sick puppy or a BAT test if the vet felt is was necessary. The blood is drawn the same way but it just requires more blood to be drawn for a BAT test and that is one reason to wait until the puppy is older and weighs more.
A blood draw it not just a blood draw.
Takes more blood for a BAT.
My vet would do a panel first and then go from there as needed making sure there is no other underlying problems attributing to the symptoms.
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