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Old 07-30-2008, 08:33 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by bjh View Post
The puppy did not die directly from the BAT test but indirectly. The large amount of blood drawn for the BAT test weakened the immune system of the puppy and that lead to the crypotosporidium. Had the owner not followed bad advise stating that it is okay to BAT test a 12 week old puppy then I feel the puppy would still be alive. Most all the experts say it is best to wait until a puppy is close to 6 months old before doing a BAT test. Of course, if you have a sick puppy you have to act immediately and that is when you pray your vet knows what he is doing.
I feel the way you feel Barbara and your know your advise and wisdom I value!

I'm with You and Rose on this one!!! I won't allow NO BAT testing done on ANY of my puppies after seeing what Rose went through with Teaser!! NO way!!! Unless it is a down right and I mean down right Emergency!!!

I don't care what anyone says about me as a Breeder for not doing this!!! I will not risk any of my puppies lives over other peoples OPO of good and bad Breeders for testing or not testing...That was just heart breaking for Rose.

I'm also thinking if any of ours ever have them done for them to take it out of their legs...NOT Juggler Vain...To to dangerous of a spot for blood to be drawn to me.

Anyone here or any where can think what they want of me for me doing this with our puppies but I will not allow others that aren't breeder to pressure me into testing just to make them happy and risk loosing a precious baby do to trying to make others happy....

I go on Experienced Breeders advice and they usually know what they are taking about as they have already walked down that path!!! Their Wisdom is so valueable if us New Breeders (Yes that includes me) would only listen and take their wisdom as our own. This is all my OPO... Lee
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