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Old 06-27-2008, 09:47 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by nydia View Post
I don't see how if she is planning to sell the pups it would be a problem with docking the tails, most people sell their pups as pets not for breeding.
And most people buying them are looking for a Yorkie that fits the set standard, which calls for a docked tail. Most breeders stive to produce dogs that meet the standard as closely as possible in EVERY aspect.

Originally Posted by nydia View Post
If their not going to put their new pup in a show, if the person looking to buy isn't a show hopefull then why mutilate the baby? Ask if they plan to show explain to the buyer cutting off the tail of a yorkie or any animal is really animal cruelty and mutilation and that it is banned in UK, ask them if they would like for someone to cut off one of their legs or arms??? Arms are used not only to get us the thing we need but it's part of how we balance ourselves, the dogs tail acts in the same way our arms do if we were on a tight rope or doing some type of gymnastics etc the tail is a dogs balance.
LOL...when dogs start walking on a tight rope, I'll lobby for them to keep their tails. For starters, legs/arms are major appendages, tails are not--the two are not comparable. As for if it is 'animal cruelty' or 'mutilation', that is a matter of opinion, not fact. I'm sure it can be quite a tramatic experience for both the pups and anyone witnessing it if someone w/out a clue as to how to properly perform the procedure tries a hand at it. However, if done by someone adequately trained and within the first few days of the pups life before the circulation and nerve development has reached it's full functioning level, the dogs feel little discomfort at all...heck, my last litter didn't even even wake up or flinch and there wasn't even a drop of blood from any of them.

Going against the standard by breeding and keeping the tails is up to each person to make individually. (My suggestion would be pick a dog with a different standard.) I know that I personally would not aim to acquire a dog w/ a docked tail and won't until the standard changes to call for it. Of course, you have unscrupulous breeders breeding out of standard dog every day, so this is just another one to add on the pile. It's funny to me that people get riled up about the 'torture' these pups feel but don't seem to have a problem stomaching the pain and discomfort the bitch goes through during whelping, pregnancy and even the tie process itself. Something in that just doesn't make sense to me....
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