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Old 06-15-2008, 09:05 PM   #55
Donating YT 500 Club Member
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I am going to let you know what I've went through with 2 litters of AKC Yorkie puppies from my Tiffanie who was 10 to 10.5 pre pregency weight & my Teddy who is 6 to 6.5 oz. I had NO idea what size puppies we'd from our 1st litter of 4...2 boys, 2 girls now at 2 year old weighs between 4.5 to 8 or 9 lbs.

Our puppies from our 2nd litter of 6 2 boys, 4 girls now almost 1 weighs between 5 to 9 lbs...So being down this road that your walking down now I'd say from Experience that one of your puppies most likely will be around 8 to 9 lbs. Tiffanies was handed down and her mother threw out one big pup out of each litter...Teddies no they we're all smaller then 7 lbs...

Now I was honest with everyone that adopted my babies and told them that their Moms and dads weight...With this being said yes everyone basically hung up on me...Well I ended up adopting my 1st litter babies out at $400.00 each on SPAY/NEUTER Contracts (I KNEW my babies was "Pet Quality" and I didn't want anyone else having "Pet Quality" puppies from my puppies) One I GAVE yes GAVE free of charge to my sister as he was my whopper in my litter. And with my 2nd litter I did the same thing, went with lower prices...I did adopted 1 out for $550.00 and that was the highest I received from any of the total 10 puppies. I gave 1 away, yes free of charge to my Cousin in Ohio as She was my Whopper in this litter and couldn't find a good, loving home due to her size.

So me LEARNING and ADMITTING to myself that my Tiffanie was above the AKC standard weight choose to do the RIGHT thing as a Responsible Breeder and had Tiffanie Spaded and adopted her out free of charge to my other Cousin in Ohio...To help improve my line of Yorkshire Terriers I adopted Sage and yes I paid (What I consider) HIGH Dollar for her as I had NEVER paid this much for ANY Yorkie...But HAD to in order to bring my LINE up to the AKC Standards...She is from a Champion Line and well WORTH every single penny we spent on her...

I see it as you basically get out of your Yorkies what you put into them...Really it's in the QUALITY...If you want "TRUE" and I mean "TRUE" AKC QUALITY then you must seek out that in a Yorkie...Then in turn you'll yes pay for that "TRUE QUALITY" but in return you will reap what you sow in so many words.

Please recheck your Yorkies...You must 1st admit to yourself that what you have may very well not be of AKC Standards...There's nothing wrong with that...You will and do make mistakes in breeding, everyone does...No one can say they NEVER have for they have...The best thing is that YOU and only YOU can turn that Mistake into a LEARNING LESSON and go from there.

My new Gal Sage is beautiful and has such grace in her that it is so unreal...Truly a beauty...Others may not think so but I'm here to tell you I know she will have some beautiful babies...Will they all be Show Quality??? Well that is left to be found out as she will be bred next Spring...If they are all "Pet Quality" then I know they will be of BETTER "Pet Quality" then what my Teddy and Tiffanie had and MORE toward the AKC Standards... And I can honestly say I did right but choosing to learn from my mistakes. Sage now at 14 Months old is 6.5 lbs.

Study your Yorkies Pedigrees and see what is in them as far as their weights...Call their Breeders and ask questions on health, whelpings, coloring and such....Ask any question you can....Search here a YT there's so much info here waiting to be read.

You will do what you want as far as Breeding but if you choose to go about it the honest right AKC Standard way and for the Benefit for our Yorkshire Terrier Breed you will stop with your female and maybe male (Don't know his quality or pedigree) and reinvest in Better Quality Yorkshire Terriers. I read where your wanting a smaller female...You wouldn't want a bitch that is too little or too big for breeding...Other More EXPERIENCED Breeders here can give more advice on this weight then I can and I'll let them do that.

I took the YEAR off from BREEDING. I have 3 females right now & 2 males but choose to take the year off to learn more about breeding...This is my Choice as I feel I myself need to learn more and if I we're you I would take some time off from breeding Yorkies and learn more also...There's nothing wrong with taking time off to help yourself help your Yorkshire Terriers. I have to say by the time I breed Sage I feel I will be honestly more prepared in breeding then what I was a year ago and I will know what I'm doing is right and for the sake of my Yorkshire Terriers.

Can I ask how many your Female had in this litter? Boys or girls? Is there in Champion in their lines? How much did they each weigh at whelping? How big was their grandparents? This may help in pricing your babies. Higher prices isn't what it's all about it's also about pedigrees, health, temperament...A lot more then I can even think of right now and I'm sure others will fill in what I left out lol. There is more Experienced Breeders here and they KNOW what is in a Yorkshire Terrier.

I hope I've not offended you in any way but I know how hard it is to be where you are NOW I've walked that path your walking down now. Please don't take anything I said the wrong way...Try to see it as someone trying to help you and give you advice to get on the right path with Breeding our Beloved Yorkshire Terrier Breed. Lee
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