Thread: Wii Fit
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Old 05-22-2008, 10:02 AM   #19
I love Jackson too!
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Originally Posted by wookie View Post
OMG, I hate Game Stop. We went there on the 21st and the workers are complete idiots. The person behind the counter was just fiddling with a chair ---not doing crap and saw us in line (we were the only people in line behind someone purchasing something)--still not willing to help.

So (after 3 mins, since the hubby doesn't want to say anything either) I said excuse me, do you have any more wii fits available? He said no, its only available to people who preorder them and we wont have anymore shipments until 2 weeks from now. OK, fine, but at least tell us that--or at least say "how can I help you"-- instead of making us stand in line for like 3 minutes while you fiddle with your chair and stare at god knows what at the ceiling! Sheesh, I was so annoyed I didn't even end up buying the cute puppy game they had for Wii. Sheesh.
Fortunately, the guys who work at the one near us are great! They are very helpful and really seem to know what they are talking about when they answer questions. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience.

The guys at the store near us told my daughter's boyfriend that they had some sort of agreement with Nintendo to have more Wii Fit systems sent by today to take care of people who had not pre-ordered. Try calling them and see what they say. If you don't get any reasonably intelligent answers, ask to speak to a manager.
Selina, mommy to Jake and Jackson. RIP baby Lily Coming soon: Gracie
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